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Help Save Our Girls

Help the National Organization for Global Education, Inc. in raising $3,000 to helpsave children in Northern Nigeria. This part of the world is known for not sending their girls to school because of the false belief that "girls are only good in the kitchen". We want to end discrimination against girls in Northern Nigeria through our African Literacy Project initiative. You can be a part of this and help save these kids today if you make a donation of $5 or more and share this message with at least 10 people in your mail list.


The African Literacy project is an academic program and enterprise master-minded to rejuvenate the spirit of reading to succeed in the Northern part of Nigeria, where literacy rate is tremendously very low compared to other parts of the country. As you may already know, terrorism has continued to prevail in Northern Nigeria over the past five years. These acts of terrorism is been perpetrated by the terrorist group Boko Haram; a name which means “Western education is a sin.” We however, believe that western education is a blessing to all humans and not a sin. Children, whether boys or girls have the right to live and to pursue happiness.

In our effort to reach out to those children who are deprived of education in this part of the world, we have decided to organize the African Literacy Project to promote girl-child education. We want to bring to the knowledge of these teenagers, that early marriage is wrong and uncivilized, it amounts to slavery. We want them to understand that they have brighter future if they are willing to pursue an education and professional career. We have chosen two books for this project, books that discuss topics of democracy and girl-child education.

This project would be geared towards community development in Northern Nigeria and also serve as part of our Millennium Development Goal (MDG) contribution to Africa. Take action today by making a onetime contribution of $5 or more and share this message with 10 people on your mail list. Donate Here


Beroro Efekoro

Executive Officer

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