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***UPDATED***: International Youth Conference Gives Youth Tools for Sustainable Development Goals

***Please see changes made below to reflect the change in the organization's name from NOGE to INOGE***

Join the International Organization for Global Education this summer as we partner with UNESCO Center for Global Education in Albany, NY to host the Model UN-UNESCO Leadership Pathway Education International Youth Conference. This is event is designed to show students how to practice Sustainable Development Goals identified by the United Nations and develop the tools to implement them in their communities. Over the course of seven days, participants will learn important team building skills which can last them a lifetime, build confidence, and become competitive, independent thinkers well-equipped to meet the challenges of the world, with lectures and workshops from global actors and United Nations Ambassadors.

The joint participation of INOGE and the UNESCOCFORGE in this program symbolizes our global outreach and the crucial role of such partnerships with youth, students, civil societies, and government organizations in raising awareness of issues confronting global youth and placing youth at the forefront of developing solutions. We believe that only by listening to the concerns of youth and their understanding of how to deal with these problems can leaders adequately address their concerns. This conference provides a great and accessible opportunity for anyone with a focus on the international youth community to speak and to be heard.

A benefit of participating in the UN-UNESCO Model Leadership Pathway Education International Youth Conference is awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals and the UNESCO mission. Equipped with a basic knowledge about diplomacy in the modern world, participants will quickly embark on a unique, extraordinary educational mission. The presentations and workshop sessions at this conference are part of a portfolio which will set engaged students apart from their peers and facilitate the establishment of UN-UNESCO Model Pathway education in schools and communities around the world and qualify alumni to chair similar committees in the future.

The United Nations has put forward Five-Year Action Agendas on which this conference is based in the areas of gender equality, youth empowerment, health and hygiene, environmental conservation and preservation, sustainable development, peacekeeping and natural disaster preparedness, counterterrorism, and supporting nations in transition. Ultimately, the goal is greater youth participation and inclusion within international organizations. We recognize that youth are often the most greatly impacted by these problems as those learning about them firsthand, and often as those most accountable to their families and best situated toward the future. The organizers of this conference comprise a team of experienced, global-minded professionals looking for people of all backgrounds aged 17 and up from UN-UNESCO member states. Those who attend will be treated to full hospitality, a youth submit at the United Nations Headquarters, and the chance to win great prizes.

Please join us in Albany, NY from August 5th-August 14th for this exciting, life-changing opportunity to build the next generation of global education leaders. For more information about registering or sponsoring this conference, please contact the 2016 YAS Conference Team at (516) 943-3174, (646) 977-3178 or For registration information, a list of partners and mentors, details about the conference, Sustainable Development Goals, and more please visit We look forward to seeing you there and hope to work with you in the future to expand the goals and membership of future conferences.

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